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MH Lawyers - Services

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    +34 652 67 90 74


    Police assistance to detainees or investigated

    Having a specialized criminal defense from the first moment of arrest is essential to build the legal strategy and ensure that all the rights held by the detained person are respected.

    We exercise the defense in the accusation of a crime

    Crimes against the physical integrity of people, against the family, against property, against freedom, against public health, against the right to honor and physical integrity.

    We provide accusation when you have been the victim of a crime

    Private accuser is the person, other than the Public Prosecutor, who exercises criminal action as an accusing party before the facts that have the character of a crime and generally represents the victim's interests or of the offended by the crime.

    Execution of judgments and orders

    We work to advise you on the fulfillment of a sentence execution, requesting suspensions, pardons, installments.


    Prison Permits

    Exit permits are part of prison treatment and are an essential element to oxygenate the fulfillment of the sentence and prepare for life in freedom.

    Prison Classification

    Life in prison varies depending on whether some rules of the regime are applied or others, according to the classification in first, second or third degree of penitentiary treatment.

    Prevention and design of penitentiary strategies

    We collaborate and provide comprehensive advice on penitentiary matters.

    Execution of judgments and orders

    We work to advise you on the fulfillment of a sentence execution, requesting suspensions, pardons, installments.


    Spanish nationality

    We help you with all the requirements and documentation so that you obtain the Spanish nationality by residence, option, by value of simple presumption or letter of nature. We also help you with the preparation of the CCSE and DELE exams, or at the request of the dispensation.

    EU citizens

    get the community card / EU family, through the common-law partner or by joining a relative of yours who is a member of the European Union and lives in Spain. We also process the community card for extended family.

    Work permit

    If you are a highly skilled worker, you have a business project on your own in Spain, or a Work contract, we will help you get your permit.

    Non-profit Residence

    Initial application and renewal for the non-profit visa, for those individuals with sufficient funds and no intention of working.

    Residence authorization for exceptional circumstances

    Foreigners who are in Spain in an irregular situation (without a stay or residence permit).

    student visa

    You can request this permission in two ways: 

    • Before entering Spain, through the Spanish Consulate in your country of origin.
    • At the competent Immigration Office once you have entered Spain.

    Family Reunification

    It is the residence authorization that is granted to relatives of foreigners who legally reside in Spain, as long as they meet a series of requirements.

    Other legal proceedings

    Applications for renewal and modification of residence and work authorizations, Golden visa, tourist visa, long-term residence, initial assignment of NIE, registration card, return authorization

    Administrative and judicial appeal processes

    We will manage for you all the reversal resources, contentious-administrative appeal resources in case the initial application was rejected.


    Claim for compensation in traffic accidents

    Trust your claim to the lawyer, from the first moment. It is important to declare your claim on time and know your rights.

    Property rights

    • urban leases
    • Horizontal property.
    • Trading

    Real estate and registry law

    Advice on the real estate transactions, if we intend to buy, sell, rent or barter a real estate such as a house, a premises, a flat, an apartment, a building, etc.

    Right of succession

    • Filiation and paternity
    • Disabilities, guardianships and conservatorships.
    • Rehabilitation of parental authority.
    • Inheritance and testamentary.

    Claims of amount and recovery of non-payments

    We manage all judicial and extrajudicial procedures related to claims for amounts and recovery of non-payments. 

    Procedures monitoring (invoice claim), foreign exchange (promissory notes, bills of exchange, checks), execution of judicial and non-judicial titles, collection of debts and seizures. 

    Evictions and rent claim

    All kinds of claims and incidents related to the rental of homes and premises.


    The purpose of all judicial proceedings is to obtain a ruling in which the applicant is granted what he asks for. It is useless to have gone through a procedure if we cannot obtain what is recognized in the sentence. Our work does not end with the sentence, but we must fight for the sentence to be carried out.


    In civil law, a reassessment of the facts and the evidence obtained can be carried out, through the filing of an appeal against the resolution that is not favorable to us.

    bank claims

    Preferred shares, floor clause, mortgage expenses, abusive clauses. Highly specialized in foreclosures, both in the procedural position of executors, on behalf of financial credit institutions, and executed (second chance, dation in payment,...).


    separations and divorces

    Specialized in contentious separations and divorces. We also direct separations and divorces by mutual agreement, including the drafting of the regulatory agreement, procedures and dialogue with the Notary and, if necessary, go to court (essential if there are minor children), filing of lawsuit, assistance in ratification and other procedures until a judgment is obtained.

    Modification of definitive measures

    If there are legal measures approved by virtue of a court ruling, we provide legal assistance in procedures for modifying definitive measures.

    Other procedures

    Legal direction in liquidation of the economic-marital regime, procedures on guardianship and custody, parent-child relationships, adoption files, demands for deprivation of parental authority, among others. Claims in case of unpaid food pensions, both in criminal proceedings (possible crime of family abandonment) and in civil jurisdiction (execution of judicial title).



    We advise you and previously negotiate your dismissal, as well as inform you of the correct compensation and your rights

    We make dismissal challenges, as well as collective dismissals,

    Termination of contract for objective reasons

    • Study of its origin,
    • Advice on the corresponding compensation amount.
    • Challenging possibilities

    wage claims

    Claim for wages and salaries owed by the employer, agreement arrears, overtime, etc.

    disciplinary sanctions

    Allegations and appeals against disciplinary sanctions.

    Advice to companies, on the opposite side to what was previously related.

    Claims against Social Security

    We fight for the recognition of disabilities in all its degrees: partial, total, absolute and severe disability; advice and management in all kinds of Social Security benefits, etc.

    Other services

    •  Burofax sending
    • Previous claims before Social Security
    • Application for widow's benefit


    Processing of marriage file

    The procedures for civil marriage must always be initiated in the Civil Registry of the municipality in which you are domiciled or have your habitual residence. If your partner and you are domiciled in different towns, you can choose the one that suits you best. The place of celebration, however, can be any other Civil Registry, Town Hall or Notary, at the option of the contracting parties.

    de facto couples

    The de facto couple is an alternative for those couples who do not want to get married for different personal and family reasons.

    Notarial Divorce and Exequatur

    There are different ways to dissolve the marriage bond depending on the degree of agreement between the spouses and other circumstances.

    In the event that there are no minor or disabled children, it may be done before a notary public with the assistance of a lawyer.

    Central Civil Registry Certificates

    We help you in requesting certificates from the Central Civil Registry, such as:

    • Birth certificate
    • Marriage certificate
    • Death certificate 

    Cancellation of criminal and police records

    • If you have been sentenced in a final judgment, you have the right to obtain the cancellation of your criminal record, we help you check if you meet the requirements and we request it.
    • If you have been arrested on some occasion, or have been summoned to testify as an investigator or in an Investigating Court, you probably have a police record. 

    Advice on mortgage financing

    business analytics

    Research and Development

    Having a specialized criminal defense from the first moment of arrest is essential to build the legal strategy and ensure that all the rights held by the detained person are respected.

    Take advantage of the experiential-learning opportunities built into many programs. You can work in labs on and off campus or even spend semesters overseas. One Construction employs over 3,000 employees, the majority of whom are based on project sites.

    questions? You're covered.

    We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.

    We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.

    We embrace holistic development and support for employees with the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.